Wednesday, December 19, 2012

digital electronics questions and answers

digital electronics



In this ___________system, the digits are 0to 9 and A to F.

A)   Binary
B)   Octal
C)   Hexadecimal
D)   Decimal                                                                                 

Ans : C

What is term called for the product of the binary number after taking its two’s complement twice?
A)   One’s complement
B)   Two’s complement
C)   Double complement
D)   None of these                                                                        
Ans : C

 ECL stands for_____________

A)   Emitter Controlled Logic
B)   Emitter Connected Logic
C)   End Coupled Logic
D)   Emitter Coupled Logic                                                 

Ans : D


Which of one of this number system is having eight digits in it?

A)   Decimal
B)   Hexa Decimal
C)   Binary
D)   Octal                                                                                       
Ans : D

An Op-amp configuration where the output waveform is the integral of the input wave form is called___________

A)   Summing Amplifier
B)   Inverting Amplifier
C)   Differentiator        
D)   Integrator                                                                                 

Ans : D


A + 0 = ______

A)   0
B)   1
C)   A
D)   None of the above                                                

Ans : C

2’s complement of 01101 is __________

A)   10111
B)   001101
C)   01110
D)   10011          

Ans : D

What is the Output of a 3-input NAND gate with A = 1, B = 0 and C = 1?

A)   0
B)   1
C)   0.5
D)   None of the above                                                                   
Ans : B


If the capacitor and resistor in the Op-amp Integrator is replaced, it forms a ____________.

A)   Integrator
B)   Differentiator
C)   Voltage Follower
D)   Summing Op-amp                                                          

Ans : B


_____ adds two binary digits and produces two binary outputs called Sum and Carry.

A)   Half Adders
B)   Full Adders
C)   Binary Adders
D)   None of the above                                                          

Ans : B


In the Exclusive – NOR Gate (XOR), if the input A is low and the input B is high, then the output is __________.

A)   Low
B)   High
C)   Very High
D)   Very Low                                                                                

Ans : A



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