Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Multiple Choice Questions                                       

1.      The ___________ command is used to link a file.
·        cp –u
·        cp –l
·        mv –u
·        mv –l

2.      __________ is the default desktop environment for red hat linux.
·        TWM
·        GNONE
·        KDE
·        Enlightenment

3.      The _________ command lists the content of the directory in the reserve order.
·        ls –s
·        ls –a
·        ls -r
·        ls

4.      The _________ command is used to display the name of the user who has currently logged in.
·        who
·        me
·        this
·        who am i

5.      __________ contains a list of all the file systems that are to be automatically mounted when the system starts
·        automount
·        filesystem
·        fstab
·        mount

6.      The _________ command can be used for eject the drives in linux.
·        mount
·        umount
·        format
·        none of the above

7.      _________ Directory stores the commands available under the linux system.
·        /etc
·        /home
·        /bin
·        /usr

8.      The ________ command is used to save and exit from a file
·        ctrl+s
·        ctrl+d
·        ctrl+e
·        all of the above

9.      The root directory is represented by _________ symbol
·        =
·        /
·        \
·        $

10.   The ________ command saves & quits the existing file.
·        :wq
·        :wq!
·        :q!
·        :qq

11.   The _____ symbol indicates that the user has acquired the temporary root rights
·        $
·        %
·        #
·        &

12.   The numeric value _______ specifies the execute rights
·        0
·        1
·        2
·        4

13.   The _________ command creates a user
·        groupadd
·        usermod
·        useradd
·        userdel

14.  _______ is used to share files in linux
·        share
·        samba
·        network neighborhood
·        file share

15.   We can install, add, remove and upgrade software packages using the ________ command.
·        Bzip
·        Gzip
·        Rpm
·        Tar

16.   The ________ command is used to change permissions of the file
·        chown
·        chmod
·        chgrp
·        chper
17.   The ________ command deletes a line
·         X
·        O
·        dd
·        None of the above             

18.   The rm command with the _________ option prompts before removing a file.
·        -i
·        -v
·        -f
·        -r

19.  ________ is a disk filesystem
·        ext3
·        smb
·        nfs
·        coda

20.   The ________ command is used to display the entire current directory path.
·        thispath
·        thisdir
·        this
·        pwd
21.  Which command is used for creating a empty file in your present directory
a.       cat
b.      touch
c.       tar
d.      cp
22.  which command is used for finding the existing partition in your computer?
a.       partprobe
b.      fdisk –l
c.       efck
d.      mke2fs
23.  Find the correct command for creating a partition on /dev/sda harddisk
a.       fdisk /dev/sda
b.      fdisk –l /dev/sda
c.       fdisk –u /dev/sda
d.      fdisk /dev/sda1
24.  Which command is used for setting permission for a file?
a.       chown
b.      chmod
c.       chgrp
d.      chper
25.  Which command is used for setting ownership of a file?
a.       chown
b.      chmod
c.       chgrp
d.      chper
26.  The ls | more command will __________________ the screen one to one
a.       scroll
b.      print
c.       blink
27.  The _____________ keys will be used to save the files creating using the cat command
a.       ^z
b.      ^c
c.       ^d
d.      ^p
28.  The creator of the file is called as ________________
a.       root
b.      owner
c.       member
29.  Which is the default directory of a user?
a.       /home
b.      /root
c.       /usr
d.      /etc
30.  Display the files and directories page wise using ___________ command
a.       ll!
b.      ll | more
c.       ls >> more
d.      more << ls


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